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Breast Massage Therapy

Lymphatic Drainage Therapy
By Dr. Howard B. Sanford
Compiled from an article written December 20th, 1999


Dr. Sanford tells us that... "Fibrocystic disease is considered benign in and of   itself..." but that ... "These dense fibrous lesions further compromise blood   supply to healthy breast tissue, which in turn decreases vital nutrients and   oxygen to healthy cells. The tissue now becomes more anaerobic (without   oxygen) which may allow more primitive cells requiring less oxygen to thrive.  Unfortunately, these more primitive cells may be cancerous or malignant." Dr.  Sanford further states that... "The integrity of the lymph system is behind the   cause and cure of any fibrocystic disorder, and breast tissue is no exception."

"The lymph vessel system is responsible for carrying excess water, proteins and wastes from the connective and fatty tissue back to the blood stream. During the transportation process the lymph is cleaned, filtered and concentrated. Many immune reactions occur in the lymph notes. If the pathways become congested, blocked, or damaged, then fluids can build up in the corresponding fatty or connective tissues leading to edema (swelling). Eventually cellular pathology may begin."

Dr. Sanford suggests what he calls Lymph Drainage Therapy. It lasts two weeks, during which we continue our (hopefully) life-long habit of avoiding fried foods, foods that contain Trans-fats or hydrogenated fats, and that we consume a minimum of three quarts of distilled water (with the juice of one lemon) every day. "This is vital for the mobilization of lymph cells within all major lymph vessels and nodes. The only other restriction during this therapy is caffeine. So beverages containing caffeine should be avoided."

Dr. Sanford's Lymph Drainage Therapy includes two steps: The first being home care using a castor oil pack and the second is performing (or having performed on you) breast massage to drain the lymph glands, including those in the cervical (neck) and axial (armpit) area.

Step One: Warm castor oil (used externally) "…will help with the mobilization of lymph cells, which reduces cellular clumping"

1. Place a liberal amount of castor oil on a cotton washcloth and place it over one breast and under-arm area.

2. Place a piece of kitchen plastic wrap on top of the washcloth (to protect the heating pad) and place a heating pad on top of the plastic.

3. Secure the heating pad and place it on low heat. Do not use a washcloth to cover it. That will cause burning.

4. Keep the pack on over night and repeat it each night, alternating sides for 14 days. Each night, determine if adding castor oil to the washcloth is necessary.

Step Two: "Lymph vessels and nodes are involved and tend to become sluggish in their ability to properly circulate lymph cells and eliminate waste. Therefore it is important to drain these lymph nodes of all debris and accumulated waste."

Breast massage is used to encourage the lymphatic fluids to move from the breasts to the nodes that are located on either side of the breast. They are also inside the rib cage behind the breasts, along the outer sides of the breasts, in the armpits, across the shoulders, and in the neck area. Dr. Sanford further tells us: "Since the lymph nodes located in the armpit area are the largest in the body it is easier to drain the breast by using this as the target area. Self-breast massage is convenient and easy and only takes a few minutes each evening during the two weeks of Lymph Drainage Therapy".

"Self-breast massage is best accomplished in a supine position (lying on your back) and turning yourself only slightly toward the breast that is being massaged. Applying a light lotion or oil will also help in reducing unnecessary friction during the massage. Use a firm pressure but not pain producing much like rubbing a sore muscle after a cramp. The massage should begin with the most medial part of the breast (the area closest to the breastbone or sternum) and should be directed toward the top of the breast area and continued toward the outside portion of the breast (the area closest to the armpit). This same technique should now be applied toward the bottom portion of the breast, again by beginning in the most medial area working toward the outside finishing the stroking motion toward the armpit. Women with larger breasts may need to lift the breast slightly in order to massage the bottom portion. Now the most outer portions or circumference of the breast has been massaged".

"Continue massaging the breast from the middle toward the armpit until the entire breast has been covered. Now lift the breast away from the chest wall very gently with one hand and with the other hand probe under the breast freeing it from the chest wall. This will help break up adhesions, which accumulate, from fibrocystic changes. It's important to be firm but not to the point of causing pain during this portion of the massage as well. Areas which seem over sensitive or tender should not be massaged and should be brought to the attention of your health care provider".


Dr. Howard B. Sanford runs Dr. Sanford's Alternative Medicine & Science Center, and can be reached at hsanford@earthlink.net.